Saturday, 2 February 2013

Aadhar UID: Is it a Sinister Ploy & Ultimate ID Theft?

“UID is not yours” presents various perspectives of those who have examined While there are millions who think that Aadhar will benefit the citizens of India in many ways and bring down corruption to large extent, there are many who have severely criticized Aadhar project.

Mathew Thomas, a former defense scientist and a civic activist is one such critic of Aadhar UID project. He has recently published a monograph called “UID is not yours”, in which he has termed the entire UID project as Sinister Ploy by the Government and has equated it to being an Ultimate Identification Theft.

UID, through their articles. The monograph also includes a few RTI queries and 
UIDAI’s replies, to present first hand information about the project.  It also includes material collated from the Internet to call attention to the need to halt the scheme and investigate it further.

In very short, “UID is not yours” is trying to convey that UID is a extremely risky, unsecure and dangerous proposition as the control of the database of UID ultimately lies with the Government, meaning some politician, bureaucrat or company official who manages the database. And if there are any “leakages” at that level, it very well cause damages in catastrophic proportions for entire country and its citizens.

Here is the entire monograph – It surely has some interesting information. If you are yet to apply for UID, make sure you read this, you may probably cancel your plans to get a UID for yourself!

Aadhar UID: Is it a Sinister Ploy & Ultimate ID Theft?

Posted by Arun Prabhudesai on  |

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