Wednesday 7 October 2015

A List Of All States Which Have Banned Beef

Mohammed Chand Shaikh Blog Post No. 148. Date : 07.10.2015. 

Beef ban across India

1. Jammu and Kashmir
The Jammu and Kashmir High Court has banned the sale of beef across the state, in a public interest litigation against cow slaughter. CNN-IBN reported that Kashmir valley shops are still selling beef, for now.

2. Andhra Pradesh
Slaughter of cows (heifer or calf) is prohibited. Bull and bullock slaughter is allowed via a "fit-for-slaughter" certificate, if the animal does not have value for breeding or draught/agricultural operations.

3. Assam
Cattle slaughter is only allowed in Assam after a "fit-for-slaughter" certificate (if cattle is 15+ of age, or can’t work or breed due to disease or injury)

4. Bihar
Cow and calf slaughter is banned in Bihar. Bulls or bullocks slaughter (of over 15 + age or unable to be used for work or breeding) is allowed.

5. Daman and Diu
Cow slaughter is only allowed if the cow suffers from pain or contagious disease, or for medical research. Beef sale is banned everywhere. 

6. Delhi
Slaughter of all cattle for agricultural purpose is banned, but buffalo slaughter is legal. 

7. Gujarat
Slaughter of all cattle is prohibited,  but buffalo slaughter of buffaloes is allowed on certain conditions. 

8. Haryana
Cow slaughter is prohibited, and so is beef sale. Restaurants can only serve beef if they can prove that the meat has been imported into Haryana. 

9. Himachal Pradesh
Cow slaughter is prohibited.

10. Karnataka
Slaughter of cow, calf of a cow (male or female) or calf of a she-buffalo is banned. Bull and buffalo slaughter is allowed, based on a "fit-for-slaughter" certificate.

11. Madhya Pradesh
Bulls and bullocks can be slaughtered if they’re over 15 years or are unfit for work or breeding. You can’t buy or sell beef here. 

12. Maharashtra
There’s a ban on cow slaughter, sale export and possession, while buffalo slaughter is allowed based "fit-for-slaughter certificate"

13. Odisha
Cow slaughter is banned, while bull salguther is allowed based on a "fit-for-slaughter" certificate. 

14. Puducherry
Ban on cow slaughter, while bulls and bullocks slaughter is allowed based on "fit-for-slaughter" certificate. You can’t sell or transport beef here. 

15. Punjab
Cow and buffalo slaughter is banned, and so is export. However, restaurants can serve imported beef. It is not illegal to consume beef here. 

16. Sikkim
Beef is common here. 

17. Telengana
Cow slaughter is prohibited, while slaughter of bulls and bullocks is allowed.

18. Uttar Pradesh
You can’t transport cows outside the State for slaughter or sell beef.

(Inputs from Mumbai Mirror) 

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