Tuesday 26 November 2013

Removed the ‪‎AngolaBansIslam‬ post from my blog

BS Post : 87 Date : 26.11.2013,  Place : Mumbai, By : Mohammed Chand Shaikh.

I have removed the ‪‎AngolaBansIslam‬ post from my blog. The authenticity of the report and the newspaper that first published it is becoming increasingly unreliable. I apologize for any misinformation. 

On understanding, parts of the claim were skewed to give a misunderstanding. The Angolan government has clarified its stance to be 'freedom of religion, regardless of religion' (in paraphrase). The part about 'islam being illegal' is only true in-the-sense that there is no national recognition of islam. This is also the case in many western countries such as France and Italy where Islam exists but is not nationally recognized. 

With all of this in mind, we ask you all to in the future be cautious and careful when reading any materials from (the first website and primary source to have published the article online. Original publication was from a Moroccan News paper).

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