Thursday 4 July 2013

Rtd. Joint DGCA, Ram K Maheshwari joins IAAI’s Legal Counsel Team as Advocate

Thursday, July 04, 2013, 
Ram K Maheshwari, Rtd. Joint Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), has joined IATA Agents Association of India's (IAAI) Legal Counsel Team as Advocate. Talking about his new role, Maheshwari said, "I will advise IAAI as and when a new development takes place. I had appeared on their behalf before the Secretary Civil Aviation and argued in favour of the DGCA orders dated 5/3/2010 and 17/12/2013. I shall appear for the Association in the High Court too if required."

Announcing his appointment, Biji Eapen, National President, IAAI, said, “We are proud to announce that the industry veteran, Adv. Ram K Maheshwari, has joined our legal counsel team. His decades of expertise and professionalism will be an added value to the travel fraternity."

Explaining his stand on the zero-commission regime of airlines, Maheshwari said, “The zero-commission system is illegal in India. As per Indian laws, tariff has to include commission. Commission is an integral part of tariff and the two cannot be separated. Hence, making commission zero and then levying transaction fees to compensate the agent is violation of law.”

Adding to this, Eapen said, “The present Supreme Court order dated 23/1/2013 in CA 8771 of 2012 also vindicates our stand that transaction fee is illegal in India. The DGCA order dated 5/3/2010 stated  'Commission cannot be replaced by Transaction Fee.' The Kerala High Court, on February 18, 2013, again justified our principle."

Mentioning a one-stop solution for restoring commission for travel agents, Maheshwari said, “The DGCA has to tell airlines that its order dated 17/12/2012 is final and any airline violating it shall be proceeded against as per law. Automatically, airlines will start negotiating with the agent community on commission."

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